It was also quite an important game of baseball, taking place in the play-offs of what is known around here with typical American understatement as The World Series. I think there might be a couple of Japanese teams in there at the start, so perhaps they get away with it.
Hannah returned with stories of an endlessly restocked fridge full of beer and wine, a help-yourself hot dog rotisserie, and non-stop popcorn. She was surprisingly abstemious, but then being sick on a senior VP of your organisation does little for your promotion prospects. And she even noticed that the Giants won! Which means they might get to the finals, and then it really will be worth getting tickets (to sell on ebay...)
Patriotic opening.
Taking the field.
Full house, waving their complimentary orange flags.
Seventh innings stretch: God Bless America sung by Zooey Deschanel. She's a really famous actress!
Victory dance (the conga).