Sofia Singer is 3 years old, and was recently voted "Most Likely To Become A Dictator Of A Central American Country" by her classmates. This was mostly on the strength of her refusal to nap anymore, although she has moved on from deliberately waking everyone else up.
So a couple of weeks ago, when her teachers were putting all the other children down for their afternoon sleep, Sofia decided to get into a box.
The box in question was not large - it was a playbox with games on each side. She took the top off and got in. Unfortunately, she found she couldn't get out again. Her teacher couldn't get her out. None of the teachers in the school could get her out.
They phoned Elise. "Imagine a jack-in-the-box," they told her when she asked for details.
By the time the worried mother had arrived at the nursery so had two fire trucks. Apparently only one was called, but the other was nearby, heard it on the radio, and decided to come and take a look. They also took lots of pictures and asked if they could put Sofia in their 2012 calendar.
Though she became a little distressed when the firemen said they might have to cut her out, Sofia was soon rescued by the realisation that the box was only screwed together. So well done to America's finest!
The moral of the story? I'm not sure. Maybe "the third child is the difficult one", but certainly "make sure you stay friends with Sofia Singer". Who knows what she'll decide to do next?

Keeping her composure even in a highly risky situation.

Charming the fire brigade. Just wait until she starts on the police, the military...
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