Friday 15 April 2011

When will this madness cease?

Allison, a friend I met volunteering at Concord Child Care Center, recently returned from a trip to New York with her husband David.  Where she found this. Something unbelievable in a category already tightly packed with ridiculously unbelievable things.

Yes, it is our future heads of state re-imagined as...tea bags.

The top half is a caricature of our noble Prince and Princess-to-be, the bottom half is filled with high-quality Assam.  But why is "Katea" clutching dollar bills?  Maybe because this was made in Germany.

Let's hope William doesn't find himself in hot water after he gets married!  A little bit of political satire for you there...

Anyway, if you want to know when the madness will actually begin ceasing, it's at 3am PST on Friday 29th April.  Even my strong monarchist tendencies won't be waking me at that hour.