Saturday 2 April 2011

The gift of children

Christine wanted to give Vince something extra special for his birthday this year.  Eight hours of unbroken sleep! So her first call was to Davies Nannying International, to inquire about overnight babysitting.  Luckily we offer just such a service, exclusively to our frequent flyers, and so while the Muckers Senior popped off to a rather nice spa resort just north of the Creek, we enjoyed the company of the Juniors.

Apart from one incident involving a lot of pooh at 1am, which alarmed Claire no end, things went pretty smoothly.  Even James's 4am feed allowed me to catch up on the Cricket World Cup final.  Hannah got the toxic nappy of the day, so I count the whole event as a success.  Although I've heard that if you have your own children, you have to do this every day!  Crazy.

"I regret to inform you, Mr. Davies, that I have been unimpressed by the quality of your mannying this year."

It's like having a miniature Vince around!  Only less trouble.