Sunday 29 July 2012

The Parent Trap 2: Now You're The Parents

In one of those situations where you can't accurately trace each step that got you there, we found ourselves babysitting three children in Palo Alto for the weekend.  Elise and Elliot were away celebrating their 10-year wedding anniversary (only 10 years?) so we were in charge of the three Singer girls, in addition to having responsibility for my parents.

It all worked out pretty well, of course, with Sofia entertaining my Mum while my Dad sat reading back-issues of Elise's medical magazine, and Maya and little Hannah playing while big Hannah cooked.  I didn't have much to do, thinking back.  The main form of discipline was bribery - isn't it always? - including frozen yogurt, French toast, and a trip to see Madagascar 3.  Elise and Elliot returned a day later looking years younger.  We've been home for a few hours, during which we've been enjoying the silence.

The secret of management is delegation.

The Singer sisters.  Look out world.

Delegation #2.

...because these pelicans eat them.

Delegation #3.

"If you're naughty I won't let you have a fifth tub of frozen yogurt...ok, but definitely not a sixth."

Who could resist French toast cooked by this guy?  Bonjour!

Oh, I forgot to mention: when we arrived on Saturday morning Elliot revealed that they have a rat living in their garage conversion.  Where Hannah and I were sleeping.  There was a fair bit of snuffling and scratching in the night, although most of it was Hannah.  We did find "evidence" the next morning, which I collected in a plastic zip-lock for further examination.  Yes, we have such low self-esteem that we will babysit overnight and share a room with a plague-carrying rodent.  I've always wondered why people with children are so friendly to us...