Sunday 1 September 2013

Small trees

The Davies Tour Company has hosted visitors at most of the Bay Area's attractions, but today we found somewhere we've never been before thanks to Drew, Sarah and baby Edward inviting us over to Oakland.  I think, now that babies are involved, that this was a "play date", but as we also drank beer and watched sports it was fine.

But before that we went for a walk and found ourselves in the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt!  It's a garden full of tiny trees!  This was very cool because a) it's a garden full of tiny trees! and b) by standing Pete next to them he finally seemed quite large.

There were many bonsai trees there (here's the list) including local favourites the redwood and the Monterey pine.  Only small!  The educational leaflet suggested that bonsais can occur naturally, but this is surely a case of someone mistaking a tree that is far away with one that is small.  No matter: I strolled through the diminutive arboretum like an eagle soaring high above a forest, carrying a baby.

It's a garden full of tiny trees!  Did I mention that?




Is Drew huge or is the tree small?  Perhaps both.

Flock of eagles.

One more.

Back at the house: friendship.

And dispute.