Party: Frank Moore for President
P: Frank Moore, VP: Susan Block
Policy example:
"I’ll do away with all tax deductions for over $12,000 income. Instead, there will be a flat tax of 10% on annual income of less than one million dollars for an individual and less than five million dollars for a corporation. But the flat tax will jump to 75% on annual income exceeding these limits."

Party: The Prohibition Party
P: Gene Amondson, VP: Leroy Pletten
Policy example:
"The word 'wine' in the Bible was used indiscriminately to mean either fresh grape juice or fermented (alcoholic) grape juice. The context in which the word is used tells the reader which meaning is appropriate."

Party: Heartquake
P: Jonathan Edward Allen, VP: TBC
Policy example:
"Unless we experience a massive cultural transformation triggered by a reawakening of hearts, there will never be any real change in America."

Party: Marijuana Party of Vermont
P: Cris Ericson, VP: TBC
Policy example:
"...only Cris Ericson is promoting 'Cow Power' which has been proven by Central Vermont Public Service to provide electricity, and make Vermont a tourist delight to behold because Cows are more beautiful than windmills, and besides manure, they create milk and milk can be processed into fine Vermont cheeses and yogurt products!"

Party: The Boston Tea Party
P: Charles Jay, VP: Tom Knapp
Policy example:
"Time to party like it's 1773."
Don't forget to vote!