The meal started out with appetisers in our flat.
Hannah puts the finishing touches to creamed corn.
Amanda can't believe the bargains she's found in the Black Friday sales! Strangely no one opted to go out and join the madness at 5am this morning.
Two moms, one who has cleverly swapped her baby for a drink - Christine, Tamara and Layla.
Nibbles Chez Davies.
We then moved to Vince and Christine's, where their living room had been transformed into a three table restaurant.
Vince receives instructions from his Dad about the best way to carve a turkey, and how it always tastes better in a Texan bowl.
The spread!
We then had a short talk from Vince about the history and meaning of Thanksgiving. It contained a few too many references to "evil English oppressors" for my liking...
Dick and Evie.
Tucking in.
Dessert happened at Sagy and Moran's, including a fabulous Israeli chocolate cream sandwich creation along with delicious pumpkin pie and various other treats. After that it was the traditional college football game for some...
...while for others it was Rock Band II (gratefully provided by Patrick and Kathy) at Dana and Amir's!
Let's rock!
I never realised how similar Shauli and Bruce Springsteen looked.
Rock divas Amanda and Hannah after several shots of whisky.
Jack and Amanda. "I got you babe, I got you babe..."
Unimpressed, Hannah trawls the ads that came with this morning's paper. Number of genuine bargains: zero.
Me and Christine rock out!
Unless you've experienced Rock Band it's hard to describe just how much fun massacring well known songs with a group of friends can be. Who doesn't want to be a rock star? And yes, perhaps this version is a little better than the $10 guitar I got from the charity shop.
By way of evidence, please see below: