Sunday 23 November 2008

Sunday roast

For lunch today we had the great honour of being invited to Dana and Amir's for טשאָלנט, or Cholent. This is a traditional Jewish stew, cooked for 12 hours or more, and is normally eaten on the Sabbath (so that you can prepare everything in advance and avoid doing work! Clever).

Every family has their own version of the recipe, and Dana's included whole eggs that are baked in the stew and then shelled before serving. It was accompanied by קוגל - Kugel, potato and sweet onions, wrapped in foil and then cooked in the same pot on top of everything. Hardly any washing up! These Israelis know what they're doing.

Needless to say it was absolutely delicious. As Hannah commented: the closest we've come to a proper Sunday dinner since coming to America. Unfortunately we couldn't follow it with the traditional afternoon snooze as Hannah had to go into Haas, but that did allow Dana and me to have a few more goes on that addictive, evil guitar game...

Amir, Dana and Hannah ready to eat, if only that annoying person would stop taking photos and sit down...

Sunday dinner. And wine.