After that we pootled on to Muir Beach overlook - a sort of crow's nest perched on a Pacific cliff. It was a hot, clear day, and the viewpoint gave an understanding of just how vast that ocean is (it's big).
Sadly we had to return and put Mat on the BART to SFO. He doesn't have the best record at airports, or on public transport in general, but as I haven't got a phone call from him yet I'm assuming he's on his way back to Blighty. Godspeed You! Dr Guest, and come back soon.
* Further research shows this statement to be incorrect, but we weren't going to let that stop us taking silly photos.
This week's economy car. A four-wheel drive jeep.
At the woods.
Rachel does her best femme fatale Vertigo impersonation.
Big trees.
David, Mat, big trees.
Ewoks spotted!
And again!!
High praise indeed (but then, they did name it after him).
Out by the Pacific.
The big blue sea...
and the rocky Marin County coast.
Rachel switches to a Titanic impression.
Large, empty.