We weren't there long before we were leapt upon by polite, smiling missionaries, all keen to show us around and answer our questions. Mat turned on the charm and deployed the accent (English, not Brummie) while Rachel and I wandered around the displays.
We learned that at the top of the temple is the celestial room, which looks suspiciously like Elvis's lounge. We also watched a video by one of the current apostles which included a dramatisation of Joseph Smith receiving various priesthoods from several celestial beings (John the Baptist, Peter, etc.) Many churches around here have no problem dramatically representing stuff that might be thought of as a bit idolatrous elsewhere. With Hollywood just down the road, I guess that's no surprise.
Following that it was the partners' weekly pot luck lunch. Anat had returned to us from Las Vegas, where she claimed to be demonstrating medical technology but we all know she was counting cards. After filling up on bagels, onion pie and couscous we turned to the serious business of playing Taki.
I might have mentioned before that this is the Hebrew version of Uno. You can find the rules here. I didn't win.
Mat up on the hill.
A Mormon traffic cone!
Mat and Rachel enjoy the displays, and the view.
Mat poses for his theological credentials.
Religious tourists.
Churches get the best real estate. The next building down the hill is the Greek Orthodox Cathedral.
After food, Taki. Daphny fixes the cards.
Anat, the smiling assassin. I told you she's been in Vegas.
Noozie the dog is unimpressed.