These chairs are admittedly something special, with motors to move you into position - pulling the recliner handle used to be most of my daily exercise! - a Zero-G mode which is how astronauts sleep (they claim), and some that envelop and massage you to within an inch of your life. I was humbled by all the leather-covered memory foam on display, compared to the beige velour of my 80s classic. I may have just become a La-Z-Man.
Position 1.
Position 2.
Position 3.
Amanda hasn't changed position since August 2008.
Goodbye reclining handle, hello Starship Enterprise!
It was a tough decision, and not one to rush. The store manager eventually woke us all up and asked us to leave.
Hannah, however, remained unimpressed. If it's not a set of copper-core saucepans, these days she's not interested.