Unfortunately all that went out the window when she discovered the shoe department of Macy's. To be fair she did make a purchase of some Emu boots, but an hour in the handbag department ("I'm looking for the bag that the girl had in season one, episode four of Grey's Anatomy") proved fruitless. She took me to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch by way of an apology.
After that we zipped through Chinatown, Union Street, Little Italy, the Coit Tower, Fisherman's Wharf and a trolley car ride. By the end of the day all we could manage was a few drinks at...I'm sure you can guess.
These boots were made for walking.
Consumerism gone mad!
The view from Macy's sky terrace (no purchase necessary).
Hmmm, tricky decisions.
We went for their seasonal pumpkin and pecan cheesecake.
Up at a San Francisco landmark.
Art deco goodness.
Emily at the top.
It's a big place!
Arty shot.
These murals were painted during the depression. Plus ca change...
A Ben and Jerry's cone and Emily.
On the trolley car (with a thousand other people).