To fill the time, I'm introducing a new series to this blog: Get to know... This will be an in-depth, online expose of people in and around Haas and University Village, a chance to air dirty linen in public and prove/disprove many of the scurrilous rumours that are currently circulating about certain individuals.
Looking around me I sister Emily!
Would you like to be the first person to appear on Get to know...?
Not really.
Where were you born?
Bath, England.
What was your earliest memory?
Pushing a ladybird doll pram.
Was your constant torture of me while young an autonomous choice or an example of Darwinian instinct?
An absolute conscious choice.
Why did you steal my Chopper bike?
I had no choice, it was the worst, most uncool thing anyone at the cycling proficiency classes had ever seen.
What have you been up to in California?
Everything possible on the tourist trail. And I'm proud of it.
Why do Mum and Dad love Hannah more than they love their own flesh-and-blood children?
She cooks better than either of us. And she took you off their hands.
I am an F-2 visa holder, which means that frustratingly I cannot work and have to spend my days relaxing and drinking wine in the sun. How do you make a living?
I'm a pediatric intensive care nurse.
Really? When did that happen?
Very funny.
How did I miss your childhood?
You were too busy playing with those stupid Space Marine miniatures.
What's your favourite disease?
Necrotizing fasciitis.
How do you treat that?
By cutting off the infected area.
Are you, in fact, a fraud masquerading as a nurse? Your answers lack substance and detail.
Was it not obvious that, no matter how many tantrums you threw, Mum and Dad were never going to buy you a pony?
I wanted a kitten.
If you could choose any person, living or dead, to replace me as a sibling, who would it be?
Brad Pitt's best friend.
You're supposed to say "I'd never replace you". You're really horrible, I'm telling Mum.
I will.
Next month: whoever's nearest when I'm bored again.