Monday 27 October 2008


In an attempt to further indoctrinate ourselves into American ways, tonight we attended a pumpkin carving party. This being Berkeley there's probably an "against cruelty to pumpkins" march going on somewhere, but thankfully this evening we were able to disembowel our gourds in peace.

Children frolic over the pumpkins at Monterey Market.

All shapes and sizes!

No more burgers for you!

Pumpkinmasters Christine and Vince lead a carving workshop.

Inside. Nice.

Dana smiles as she twists the knife.

Three ambitious, focused and single-minded women.

Miss Pumpkin 2008

Amir with an impressive pair. For more evidence (and to find out what Haas students really get up to on weekends), check out Dana's video.

Dr Elise. "To perform the perfect lobotomy, make a delicate first incision..."

They say a pumpkin looks like its owner.

My effort. I'm quite proud of it!

OK, Amir's is pretty good too.

But wow. This is the real thing. Go bears!

Happy Halloween!