Luckily Mat's still here! Tonight he was introduced to the charms of the Hotsy Totsy Club, where the Yorktown Cup was once again contested. This time it was over shuffleboard - a far more subtle and interesting game than ten pin bowling, and one I've had far more luck winning. Needless to say, the plaque is back in the hands of its rightful owner.
Somewhere inbetween all this Hannah, Amanda, Sagy and I attended a picnic in Golden Gate Park in SF. Down there by the Pacific coast temperatures dipped to near zero, and a steely grey sky hung ominously overhead, but we were not going to be deterred. Although the invitation to this Haas event had gone out to 120+ people we were among the dozen or so who actually showed up.
Of course, back in Berkeley the temperatures hovered around the mid-20s they've been all month. But where's the fun in eating outside if you're not forced to play frisbee to avoid hypothermia (would anyone ever play frisbee out of choice)? Ah, the happy memories of an English childhood...
Mat finds that little bit of Texas inside.
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, etc.