Unfortunately the hospital shares its name with an old people's home ("if anyone in here has given birth, it's a miracle," we were told by the attendant) but we eventually got to the right place.
American hospitals are suspiciously identical to English ones, which is interesting given how much they pay here. You do get crushed ice, and the television's free, so there are some benefits to the market running wild with your health care.
Little Claire is soooooo cute. She's also unbelievably placid, eating fine, sleeping well and grumbling rather than crying when things don't go her way (this will hopefully continue through her teenage years). Daddy Vince showed off all the mad skills he learned at parenting classes, and Mummy Christine enjoyed sushi for the first time in nine months. They're all doing really well. Hannah and I doted, cooed and made silly noises, but were accosted by hospital security as we tried to escape with her.
It's a girl!
Of course Daddy will let you have a Harley...
Proud family portrait.
Hannah looks a bit too comfortable for my liking.
I'm fine as long as she doesn't cry, poo, be sick or need food.
Mother and child.
My reward for all that hard work: an Oreo shake with peanut butter topping. Deeeeelicious! I cannot wait to introduce Claire to fast food.