Hannah and her friends went out this evening for their inaugural girls' film night, and the estranged husbands were left to make their own entertainment. The all-American pastime of bowling was chosen as a robust response to this unnatural lurch for emancipation, and so several of us found ourselves at the Albany Bowl (an establishment of questionable repute...when the black-and-white photos on the wall look better than the facilities today, you know you have a problem).
Vince decided this was the time to unveil the Yorktown Cup, a trophy of his own devising contested between Britain and America over whatever "sport" takes his fancy. Tonight it was bowling. Yorktown is apparently a place where the British fought the British during the so-called American War of Independence. The British who won decided to call themselves Americans, and by all accounts have been regretting it ever since.
Anyway, the evening was mildly entertaining. Maybe I lost the first game to two Americans. Maybe I lost the second game to an American and two Israelis. Who's counting? Either way ten pin bowling is a rubbish way to spend an evening, and during the next ladies' night in November we'll be playing cricket.
Vince displays the issue at stake.
Logan is introduced to the wonders of the bowling alley.
Vince plays with a six pound ball.
Look at that technique! How come all ten don't fall down every time??
Action shot
Elad flies the Israeli flag. Yes, he scored more than me.
Vince does his victory dance. He's very at home in San Francisco.
Enjoy it while it lasts, my friend.
We retire to the Hotsy Totsy and discuss Middle East politics. Much more straighforward than this bowling rubbish.
We even took top spot on the movie trivia quiz machine! Result!!
Elad was sure he spotted something in the bottom of the pitcher...
Would you believe that the Hotsy Totsy was showing Pretty Woman? Perhaps the girls' night out should relocate to here next time.