At the car rental desk they were very apologetic that, although I had booked ahead, they had run out of economy sized cars. Would I mind a free upgrade to a minivan? Looking at their little chart it turned out this was seven sizes bigger than the one I'd ordered. Did they have anything inbetween? Nope, it was that or a hummer. I'm now driving a bus around, and contemplating making some money as a taxi.
We navigated successfully to our hotel - they drive on the wrong side of the road in this part of the states too! - and met up with our friend Mat who had got a Greyhound down from Louisville and lived to tell the tale.
That was all last night, and after breakfast this morning (where they genuinely served grits!) we drove out to Opry Mills mall. Emily avoided buying more shoes, and after lunch and a quick look around the Grand Ole Opry itself we decided to play Glow Golf. It's crazy golf in the dark! What else do you come to Nashville for?
Thankfully this afternoon was more country based, with a tour of the local live music bars. The talent of the various musicians is not in doubt, but their song choices often were. Country can be as middle-of-the-road as any other type of music, and in some places it felt like you'd been listening to the same continuous song for the last hour.
An interesting change was our visit to Lonnie's Western Room, where karaoke is the order of the day. As the only three people there we sat in silence until a guy called Bruce arrived and decided to sing Prince songs in a very high voice staring directly at us the whole time. He knew all the words and everything! It was scary, and we left to seek refuge in the line dancing and deeply inoffensive country of the Wildhorse Saloon.
My "economy" car
Mat entertains on the porch...inside the Gibson guitar shop.
It certainly is.
It really is crazy golf in the dark! I told you!!
Country music is piped out of these. Surely it should be soft rock...
The Grand Ole Opry, where country music began (sort of).
Where's the fun in that?
Check out my new hat!
Emily and Mat against the Nashville skyline.
The world famous Tootsie's Orchid Lounge.
The slightly less famous, and deserted, Lonnie's Western Room. Vince told us to go there.
Emily sits on a cow.
Pre-dinner line dance lesson at the Wildhorse Saloon.