Monday 11 May 2009

Where's Claire?

After recieving a number of complaints, mostly from her parents, that Claire has not featured in my blog recently (after a having a week of posts from Texas about nothing but her!) I've decided to acquiesce.

Claire's now a big girl, soon to hit seven months (it seems like only yesterday that I was that age).  She's now on solid foods, munching pureed cabbage and stewed apple with equal voraciousness.  She went through a stage of fake coughing to get attention, but that's mainly been replaced by roaring and a lot of talking (if you've met her mother, you'll know why).  "Na na ma ma ma na," she said to me today, several hundred times, while waving - another new trick.

Here's my girl:

Jack makes a wrong assumption when asked to "give Claire her bottle" at the Derby party.

Anyone for a mint donut?

All dressed up and nowhere to go, except out for a walk in her buggy with me!