Sunday 27 November 2011

Stuart and Charity

Sorry about somewhat slow blogging of late, but I've been entertaining Goddaughter Charity, her dad Stuart, and my sister Emily for the past week.  I haven't had to entertain a 9-yr-old girl since...Emily was 9, I guess.  As she'll always be about 12 in my mind that doesn't seem too long ago, but she assures me it is.

It's Stuart and Charity's first trip to the best coast and so we mostly stuck to the Davies Standard Introductory Highlight Tour package.  There was a little more shopping than I would have liked, but it was Black Friday during their stay.  There was also quite a lot of Wii game playing, but I did my best to manage.  Oh, and we watched The Muppets' new film, which is great.

They were only here for a short week as it's the middle of the school term in the UK.  I like to think that a trip to California is as educational as anything school can offer, with Charity now able to answer questions like "what's the best flavour of frozen yogurt?" and "if Macy's is having a 2-for-1 sale, and I also have a 15% off voucher, how much more can I buy with my money?"  Come back soon!

Wild animals at the entrance to Chinatown.

Getting a rather nice demo of Chinese tea making (no milk or sugar).

Picking up Stuart post-conference, and straight onto the trolley bus!

Next time Charity can stay on an exclusive island.

Sour dough soup bowls!

At the Musee Mechanique, encouraging her Dad to try an interesting game.

Emily finds her zen at Ghirardelli plaza.

Why do I have to look at these boring old trees?  (A quote).

Emily among the redwoods.

A banana slug!!

Charity finds the Muir Beach Overlook somewhat windy.

But an In'n'Out burger very much to her taste.

So does Em.

Capturing fellow tourists at a world famous photo spot.  I mean, really?

Much more obedient photographic subjects.

Charity measures the bridge.

Black Friday!

Someone is very happy with two new pairs of shoes.

Breakfast pancakes.

We treated someone to a goodbye pedicure.

No, not Stuart.  He got a burger.