Tuesday 29 November 2011

White with one

Some things in life - birth, marriage, cricket - are important.  Some are really important - buying a new teapot.  Little else can be as transformative to everyday human existence.  I'm sure you agree.

I've been looking for something to handle loose leaf tea for a while, and although I have a tea strainer and an infusing gadget they don't really cut the mustard.  Back in March, when Em and I did a tour of London, I saw a fantastic teapot in the Tate Modern but couldn't really justify the price (it was in the shop, rather than the gallery.  Britain isn't that bankrupt yet.)

So you can imagine my elation at finding the exact same Stump teapot in our very own Peet's for a fraction of the price even Amazon is selling it!  Like me it is both functional and beautiful, and (unlike me) has a microinfuser, making it perfect for either loose-leaf or bag brewing.  The lid makes such a pleasing little chink when it closes that I can entertain myself for hours.  It pours like a dream.  It was christened with some NZ Breakfast this morning, and I've moved onto strawberry pepper tea that Sheila brought - the packet suggests you add a shot of vodka, which sounds delicious but I shouldn't break my no-alcohol-before-10am rule.

Have you ever seen anything inanimate more gorgeous?

Getting ready.

Pot to kettle, not kettle to pot.  Pre-warmed, of course.

What more could life ever need than a nice cup of tea?