Unfortunately no such dramatic scene took place. The police had closed the road, which just allowed a large group of ground-based sitters to congregate and shout "we love you!" at the four left topside. The helicopters buzzed around for two hours but then went away. A self-appointed spokeswomen got up and thanked us for providing our "beautiful eyes" so that the forces of evil felt too ashamed to enact their plan.
A man followed her onto the stand (an upturned bucket) and reminded us that "economic donations" were essential in this fight. The crowd thinned visibly at this point. By the time an old woman started shouting about prison building there was a real sense that we'd lost focus. I drifted off to find a McDonalds.

Tree sitters - in it for the fame.

No so much angry, more a grumpy standoff between flag wavers and security guards.

Damn that first amendment!