After a trip for breakfast to Sam's Log Cabin we hooked up with Loren and Tamara, together with their little ones Evie and Lyla, and they very kindly gave us a lift in their eight-seater monster truck up the highway to 1 Jelly Belly Lane.
This is the place where every Jelly Belly bean in the whole world is made, and we were there to see it. The tour is free, you get to wear a stylish little hat, and there's a free tasting bar that they never tell you to leave. And you get a complimentary bag of beans at the end of the tour. And you can buy "Jelly Flops", their rejected beans. And there's a 20 foot tall inflatable bean out the front. And the pizzas and burgers they serve in the cafe are bean shaped. No kidding.
Anyway, while it was embarrassing to be even more excited about this trip than three-year-old Evie, I'm happy to report that everyone had a great time. My favourite T-shirt on sale there: "Proud to bean American".
Hands off my breakfast!
"Do you serve anything light?" Mum asked. "Sure," they said.
The view from the back of the bus.
Dad, David, Lyla, Tamara, Loren, Hannah, Mum, Evie, massive humanoid jelly bean.
That's what I'm talking about.
Relics of the Cold War.
It's ALWAYS Jelly Belly time.
Finally, we've reached civilisation!
Please do not sample goods before purchasing.
Employee of the month.
Peace, love, jelly beans.
The La-Z-Boy gets an exhaustive quality test from Dad.