Inbetween we've had a great day wandering about the still deserted streets, slip-sliding past the snow chained cars and smiling at the police who are closing every road that has a slight gradient. We found the Amtrak station, and they assured us that our train to Vancouver will be running tomorrow morning (they're so much more organised in Canada).
I'm off now to make snow angels on the pavements and build a snowman in the middle of the street!
Snowy in Seattle.
No one is immune.
I thought it was table service!
This is the closest we got to the gold in the (indoor) Klondike Gold Rush National Historic Park. Do many other national parks close when it snows?
Deep and crisp and even.
Welcome to Chinatown! It's sunny in all the tourist brochures...
What a day to let a dragon out on.
Seattle has the most incredible, immense public library. Today it was a nice warm hideaway.
Snow on the library roof.
Now this is good Seattle coffee. Unfortunately they kicked us out two minutes after I took the photo. I bet Starbucks wouldn't have done that.