Four-year-old Evie, Loren and Tamara's eldest, was performing in the local temple's seasonal dance extravaganza, and Vince, Christine and I went along to witness her triumphant debut.
The experience was interesting. A large part of the program seemed to be interpretative of Mormon writings, which meant I was lost for most of it. Was that dance reflective of the three-kingdom system of heaven? Maybe it was just meant to look pretty.
The high point was, of course, the arrival of the little ones. Dressed in white they cavorted about the stage, with the obligatory boy picking his nose, and received the biggest cheer when they took their bows. Evie bowed and bowed, and when Vince told her how well she'd done she replied "that's because I'm the star". She wasn't talking about a part in the Nativity.
They don't do things by halves up at the Mormon temple.

Here we have, possibly, the three wise men.

This is a dance about the children of the prophet Levi.

There's Evie, front and centre, where she so obviously belongs.

Claire snoozed through. But it won't be long until she's dancing...

The star of the show!