It was the last game of the season and was against the Washington Huskies, a team that has the worst record in their division. The game predictably went Cal Bear's way, and was more notable for what went on between plays. You wouldn't believe the amount of advertising they can fit into a sports game, including promotions from people standing on the pitch while the game is going on! There were "honorary captains" from some of the game's sponsors, a strange cartoon car race and a man dressed as a smiling petrol pump. Oh, and every time Cal scored they fired a canon.
Things got stranger at half-time, when the entertainment included a bear chasing a tree around with a big axe (symbolic of Berkeley and Stanford's rivalry, apparently). I will admit that the marching band was incredibly impressive, dancing around the pitch, spelling out words in their formations and knocking out Disney tunes like there was no tomorrow.
Final score: 48-7 to Cal. Go bears!
Me and the tubas, before the band processed in for the kick-off.
See - they're very clever.
The Golden Bears arrive! This part is rather one-sided, with the visiting team entering quietly through a dofferent entrance. Maybe they only have the one smoke machine.
The expectant crowd watches.
As does Dana, who has become a season ticket carrying football fanatic. Just wait until she sees rugby.
And they're off! That's Jared Best in number 4, who got a record today for most rushing. I'm not entirely sure what that means.
The man in charge.
If you don't want to pay, you can always sit on the hill that overlooks the stadium. Students, I don't know...
The half-time show commences with the first annual Cheer Day, with cheerleading teams from around the nation.
Then the Cal band reappears. They must have been sweating in those uniforms.
No, I wasn't lying. Here's the bear/tree fight.
How can you reduce your reliance on petrol when your gas pumps look so cute?
The moon in the clear blue Californian sky.