The first upset was that Sagy couldn't make it (something about exams? These MBA students are crazy). We were left without a drummer, but this wasn't too much of a hindrance as nobody else turned up to compete.
In my mind this meant that we were the winners, and although I pointed this out to the shop running the competition they declined to award us anything. The cheek! We got two hours free play on their console with lots of kids gawking at us, but it filled a gap until the village Xbox arrives tomorrow...
The advertisement for the tournament. Sadly I was the only person to have seen it.
The shop was so well prepared for the large number expected that they didn't even open the box until we arrived.
Dana shows off her brand new guitar. In the background the youth of today play violent, destructive video games.
The numbers are good! We would have probably won even if we weren't the only people playing.
And here's some live, Xbox-cam footage of us playing. Don't be fooled by the impression that we're not having fun - that's zen-like concentration on our faces.