Tuesday 23 December 2008

Dashing through the snow

We are at Seattle airport! It's disappointingly undramatic here. The security staff are polite and efficient, lines are moving quickly, we've even managed to get standby tickets for an earlier flight! All of which makes for weak blogging material (when has that stopped me before, you may ask).

Our trip out here was fun. Having been warned by the receptionist at our hotel - which had considerately turned its heating on this time - that it took her four hours to cross the city this morning, we made an early start.

By a small miracle we caught the airport bendy bus at the first stop it made and sat down. By the second stop it was standing room only, by the third the driver couldn't shut the doors...and still people pushed on (amid calls of "there's no room!" from those already onboard and retorts of "have you ever been to New York?" from those still outside).

But we're here, we're waiting patiently at the gate, and my lucky oldest penny (1957) is in my pocket ready to win me an in-flight cocktail.