This evening, in the fantastic hodge-podge of cultures that has become a trademark of living in University Village, we attended the lighting of the fourth candle of Hanukkah before heading out for a Roman Catholic Midnight Mass.
Shauli and Anat hosted the first party, with donuts, latkes and an interesting sweet called a crembo (think a Walnut Whip mixed with a teacake). After candle lighting, singing and eating, with a second delicious dinner at Vince and Christine's, we moved on to Mary Magdalene church in Berkeley.
We were greeted by an overjoyed priest who ushered us to the very front seats. The reason for this warm welcome soon became clear: there was some doubt whether the baby booked to play Jesus would arrive, and as soon as he had spotted 10-week-old Claire he quickly formulated a backup plan.
In the end Claire's star power wasn't required, and we enjoyed a service of medieval music. Shauli and Anat joined us, completing the religious exchange, and after we returned home for dessert and a midnight showing of It's A Wonderful Life. Some traditions cross every cultural divide.
Shauli prepares the menorah.
Almost full...
This is a crembo. In Israel it signifies winter, as in summer these marshmallow and chocolate creations melt too fast for anyone to eat! There's also vast debate about how you eat one (waffle first, top first, bite off all the chocolate, etc.) Just asking opinions caused much argument amongst the Israeli's present.
Mary Magdalene church.
Is that baby Jesus? From the left: Anat, me, Jim (Claire's Grandfather), Christine, Vince, Claire, Hannah.