Anyway, having dropped Sara at Pier 33 I could start the important business of the day - buying a case for my new camera. As everybody knows there's really only one choice, and I was lucky enough to discover a Crumpler store that opened in SF only a month ago.
Dana came along and pretended to be less than impressed. I think she was won over by the branded toilet paper, given away with every purchase, and their reusable shopping bags. Whatever - after twenty minutes of intense deliberation I became the proud owner of a small Thirsty Al.
Armed with that, and taking noticeably better photos as a result, we went to the bank, wandered through Chinatown, met Sara off the boat and, as part of her California experience, all went for lunch at In 'n' Out burger.
It was no surprise to me when, having spotted my Crumpler bag, Sara decided that her own camera could do with something similar - she's a lady who recognises quality. Dana doesn't have quite such good taste and attempted to convince her mum that a cheaper, lower-class alternative might be better, even boasting at one point "See how much more persuasive I am in Hebrew?"
Needless to say a Crumpler bag speaks any language, and could probably bring about world peace if it wanted, so we were soon back in the shop, Sara buying a very nice Thirsty Al in red and me snaffling as many free toilet rolls as I could carry. If they're not going to pay me commission, it's the least they can do!
Escape from Alcatraz.
Hmmm...very few sea lions today. Perhaps they've joined the grey whales down in Mexico.
Animal style cheeseburgers and a neopolitan shake. Healthy.
When in San Francisco...
A preview of Crumpler's latest North American/British/Israeli advertising campaign.