For most, one of the big things is the internship. This is the ten- to twelve-week placement that happens in the summer between the first and second years, when all those hours in lectures and exams can be test-driven in the real (I use that term loosely) world. It's also a chance for employers to get a nice, extended look at people they might offer a permanent position, using business school as a convenient pre-filter for job applicants. Land the right internship, the theory goes, and you're well on your way to landing the right job.
And the companies are lining up! Even in these difficult economic times such luminaries as ebay, Amazon, Symantec, Microsoft, etc. are running "on campus" recruiting sessions. As you can imagine, stress levels rise as a limited number of places are fought over by a large number of students.
So it is with great pleasure that I can report that Amir has become the first of our bunch to land a very nice product management position at Amazon. A bottle of Champagne (Californian, of course) was duly popped and we all drank to his health and to the good fortune of everyone else who's still waiting to hear.
Hannah also enjoyed her first official interview with Brown Forman today, a Kentucky-based drinks company where she's hoping to spend the summer. They make Jack Daniels, so if she gets that one we'll be uncorking something a little stronger than bubbly...
Like the Formula One racing driver wannabe he is, Amir gets ready to pop the Champagne.
"Drink responsibly," is Hannah's corporately sociable message.
Mr & Mrs Amazon. Amir promises that he'll sort out free Super Saver shipping for us all, even if our orders are below $25!