Friday 26 June 2009

State capital punishment

It is HOT out there! Hannah and I thought it might be nice to wander and see a little of Sacramento on our first evening, but although we bathed ourselves in factor 30 we weren't ready for the wall of heat that greeted us as we opened our motel door. There's a reason that Britain is sensibly placed in the North Atlantic.

Despite the crazy weather, Sacramento is a very nice little city. It's all about the government so the Capitol Building sits centrally, surrounded by ministries and consulates. In between are leafy streets, fountains, wide boulevards, and outdoor cafes. One of the parks was hosting a weekly free outdoor concert, and we sat on the grass (in the shade) nursing a cooling Budweiser.

Now we're back in our room, I'm sat in my underpants, and the air conditioning is on full.

Sacramento: surprisingly pleasant.

Oranges, property of the state of California.

The yellow rose of Sacramento.

Arnie already has himself a white house, he doesn't need to go to DC.

Party in the park!

Hannah gets the beers in.

Happy holidays.

Yep, it really is that hot.

But you're never far from home.