The Grand Finale - 2.56pm
Unfortunately Hannah's team didn't get into the grand final. Their vision was too broad, their approach too innovative and their attitude just too damn maverick for the conservative judges.
The good news is that the other Haas team did make it through, and I'm sat listening to them take questions from the floor. They're an impressive bunch, who have presented their "zinger", and the judges seem rightly impressed.
Results later...

Doing Berkeley proud.

The backbone of any good business presentation: a nice PowerPoint colour scheme.
UPDATE: This morning - 9.53am
Well, I'm back in the posh hotel having consumed too many free energy drinks to sleep during the night. The students, I'm informed, did the same but are now enjoying a two-hour nap before I bang on the door at 10am. We'll see what mood they're in.
It's unsurprisingly quiet in the hotel, and every now and then suited student-types wander by (they look so sweet all dressed up!) I've been trying to do some informal corporate espionage but with no tangible results so far.
Hannah's team's presentation is at 10.30am, and I'm not sure when the results will be phones through. Stay tuned...but not too tuned as I'm going for a walk in a bit.
Last night - 9pmComing to you LIVE from the central hub of the Innovate for Impact 8th Annual Leeds Business School Case Competition. Hannah's team are shacked up in Room 321 of the very nice Boulderado Hotel. At least, her and Stefan are. Champa and Renita have gone shopping. But a source close to the team has confirmed that they'll be back soon.
The team's challenge, should they choose to accept it (not that there's actually a choice), has widened from just adding value to airport transport to suggesting further sustainable, responsible acquisitions for the Vail Resorts Group. So arms dealing is out of the question, I guess.
Anyway, more developments
as they happen. Right here.

The nerve centre. That is a terrible typing position, Hannah.
Champa and Renita are back. And they've come armed with some yummy food. Good work.
9.29pmThe words
utilisation analysis have just been used. I have no idea what that means.
9.40pm"Wow, we are gonna win this!"
~ Hannah Davies
9.47pmA timetable has been agreed: wine at 11pm, finish work at 3am, sleep, don't have to present until 10.30am. My evening might look slightly different...
10.01pmWe're deep in PowerPoint land. "Sustainable indulgence" has been thrown out as the presentation theme. Nice.
10.19pmSome moments of panic as the PowerPoint presentation is lost somewhere in the multiple windows and screens of Mac OS X. Luckily an ex-IT professional is on hand to find it for them again.
Live PowerPoint brainstorming.
10.49pmThe team has discovered that I'm blogging them. Their behaviour may not be as honest as it has been up to now.
10.51pm"Seamlessly integrating resorts with the communities around them." Wow, we are cooking on gas now!
11.03pmTen minute break.

Hannah orchestrates a raid on the hospitality suite.

There's a suspicion that the other Haas team isn't taking this competition quite as seriously...
11.29pmTen minute break over.
11.41pmThat's it for me! I'm finishing up my stolen mango protein and antioxidant drink and will shortly be trudging through the snow back to our (cheap) motel.
Hannah claims that I might see her sometime after 3am, but the couch in the corner may prove too tempting for her. We shall see. And this hotel is reportedly haunted, so I'm going to have a quick wander around with my camera. That
would be blog worthy.
12.22amWell I'm back, and the Haas guys are still doing their stuff. I wished them good luck for their presentation (not open to the "public" - huh) and told them I'd see them on the winners' podium. It's in the bag!

A small complimentary stash for Hannah's midnight (3am) snack.